www.csbnconnect.com - CSBN Connect


As a single mother I understand firsthand that all financial plans are not created equal. Not long ago I found myself struggling to care for my dying mother and raise two boys at the same time. My p... Read more


Coming from central Illinois, I have always been drawn to the outdoor lifestyle. After graduating from Murray State University, I realized the Chattanooga area was a perfect place for both my person... Read more


I've been a financial coach,  educator,  and counselor since 2012. Before that I was in mortgages.  My goal is changing how couples communicate about money.  I focus on creati... Read more




I work for UCES and we specialize in credit repair! Chances are if you have a house or a car you’ve had your credit run, and it’s not always a good feeling when they run it. If you’... Read more


I am a certified benefit advisor with Aflac. Aflac offers a variety of services to help you plan ahead for unexpected medical bills. Aflac works by paying you money to use when medical issues occur. ... Read more